1. How often do you listen to avrils let go cd
A. I never listen to anything else anymore..i play it all day
B. I listen to it a lot but i listen to other stuff to
C. I have it but i never play it
D. i dont even own the thing
2. When do you talk about avril
A. To anyone that is near me all the time.. all day i dont care who it is
B. I talk about avril to people who like her
C. Just if someone talks about her to me
D. I never talk about her i only diss her
3. Do you want to dress like avril
A. Yea i buy any clothes that look like hers i dont care how much they are
B. i love the way she dressses but i dont want to look like her
C. I wear what i wanna wear i don;t want to look like her
D. I hate the way she dresses
4. how pritty do you think avril is
A. She is so gorgeous and beautifull more than anyone i know
B. She is very pritty
C. shes not bad i guess
D. i think she s ugly
5. What do you think of avrils video losing grip
A. it rocks so much i love it more than any video on tv
B. i like it a lot
C. I have seen better but its ok
D. never even seen it
6. Do you go on avril sites a lot
1. err yea its like the only sites i go on
2. quite a lot of the time but other stuff as well
3. not often here and there
4. only to go on forums and diss her
7. do you admit you are obsessed with avril?
1. Hell yea i am proud to be obsessed with her
2. i guess a bit
3. no i am not really obsessed
4. obsessed thats like not me