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These are journals Avril has entered onto the official site :-)
My first jounal entry


This is my first journal entry. Sorry I didnt get it up earlier. Im gonna try to get things up more often . My lifes been real crazy lately, but Im gonna try to make time for this more often.

Ive been starting to realize how special fans are lately. I get approached quite often now and am realizing that people do care, and people do want to hear from me. Sweet. I like writing and expressing myself, so this should be fun.

Right now Im sitting in the Pittsburgh airport. I just finished eating a McDonalds crispy chicken sandwich, I feel sick. Now a days it feels like half of my life is spent on airplanes and in airports ..BORING!!! Im going to Norfolk , VA for some radio promotion. Then Im off to NYC for a couple of days. Im doing TRL soon.

Today I was in Toronto making a cameo appearance in the new Treble Charger video for "Hundred Million" Its a good song. Swollen Members, Gob, and Sum 41 were also making cameo appearances. We did a bit of stage diving and moshing. Good times.

Much Music came by and I did a little interview with them. I also had 2 photo shoots, and another interview. I felt bad cause I was really rushed and couldnt stop to sign autographs and do pictures for every one who wanted them. I tried!! You know its really cool when people ask for a hug. I love it. Hugs are special. I think they are important.

I love hugs!! Im gonna go cause Im tired k.


P.S. my cd comes out in like a week. June 4. all I can really say is..Finally!

Wed Jun 05, 2002 12:00:00 AM
Good day, good evening, whatever it is.

Good day, good evening, whatever it is. Im on a plane going from NYC heading to LA. We played on Jay Leno last Thursday. On the 13th, we will be n Greg Killborn, and on the 28th Regis and Kelly. We were just in NYC for a couple of days rehearsing and doing press. NYC is such a funny place. So many people, so much going on, craziness is everywhere. I love China Town and So-Ho. I bought a wicked tie off the street there.

It was Marks birthday on the 2nd. Now hes 23. Me and Evan performed an acoustic set at the Kiss Boston Show on the first. I did an autograph session afterwards and got to meet a lot of wicked fans. Its a really good feeling to know my songs touched you guys. You guys were amazing! Thanks so much. Hey to the dude who asked me to marry him and took a million pictures of me. Hahhaha.

I noticed at every show weve had, some of the girls have been wearing tank tops and ties like me... :) so I now have avril ties in my merchandise. They are black with red, my two favorite colors. There is also anther one with my star and name. You can go to www.avrilmerch.com or my website www.avril-lavigne.com has a link to it. I did my best at coming up with stuff I felt represented me..or at least I made sure that theyd would be something Id wear. Thats why there are tank tops and ties. I love the black hoodies and ties the best!!

We are working on a fan club as well. Its called Back Bone.

Ya, so my CD came out yesterday!! It was a special day for me. In a way it felt like my birthday.

Im gonna jet,

So my CD is out now!!!

So my CD is out now!!! It came out on the forth. Id like to thank everyone who purchased a copy. Your support is much appreciated!

Let me think, whats new..Tonight we will rock the Viper Room Me and the guys played on Jay Leno last Thursday. We will also be doing Craig Kilborn on the 13th , and Regis and Kelly on the 27th.(Evans Birthday) Speaking of b-days, Mark just had his June 2nd. Hes 23. We had a little surprise party in our hotel room for him.

This summer we will be playing at ton of radio shows, and will be going to Europe in July for two weeks, one week in Japan in August, back to Europe in September for another 10 days, and then Austrailia in October for 10 days.

In between those trips we will performing at various radio festivals in North America, shooting our next video, doing TV shows and other promotion. This is important to me because I want to break not only in North America, but other countries around the world too. That is another one of my goals.

Oh ya, Im excited because we are performing Complicated at the Much Music Video Awards!!! Im pumped! This is especially an honor because its not often that people get to perform when their videos havent been nominated on the Awards showthe video for Complicated came out after the nomination deadline, but they are making an exception and still letting us play!! Much Music Rocks!!!!!

Summers coming up eh?? Cant wait!!!

Mon Aug 12, 2002 12:00:00 AM
Dear Fans,

I just want all of you guys to know that some idiot out there is posing as me and sending emails to various message boards, dissing my fans and just being a jerk in general. One of the email addresses he/she is using is emailavril@aol.com....but he/she keeps changing them.

First of all I don't have an AOL account and I would never put my name in my email address. And most important I love all my fans. I would never take them for granted or say anything bad about them. Please just ignore this pathetic person out there who has nothing else better to do than sit at home by him/herself and pretend he/she is me...obsessed!!!
so i'm on a plane right now, on my way to nyc. my dvd is coming out on nov. 4 (tomorrow) and i'm going there for the premiere. i think it's funny. it's just a bunch of raw footage of me horsing around, being an idiot. i had a lot of fun on my first tour and i think that was captured. after ny i have to go to la to go do some more studio work. it's a lot warmer there than it is in canada which is nice.

anyway i know  i always say it, but i'm going to try to do more journal entries.


"Everybody got their christmas shopping done? i think i do. i'm in LA working on the record. it's almost done. it's going good. can't wait. i'm looking forward to seeing my family over the holiday season and i hope everyone enjoys being with theirs. merry christmas and happy new year."
